S3 Space

We aim to check out lots of information about Space and the Universe. As it is rather a large topic and contains all we know and lots that we don’t we wont be able to cover it all. This is the content statements that we hope to cover.


Just heard about this great video on twitter, now you can picture the speed of light.

Just to get a feel for the vastness of space, try the link below. Don’t fall asleep before you get to jupiter.


Task Space General Knowledge

So lets see what your General Knowledge is like? answer the following questions and look up any you don’t know


  1. In terms of space what makes one day?
  2. In terms of space what is a year?
  3. Why do we have leap years?
  4. How long does it take for the moon to go round the Earth?
  5. What causes a solar eclipse?
  6. What causes a lunar eclipse? 
  7. Why aren’t eclipses more regular?
  8. What do the following terms refer
    • Sum total of everything
    • Dominant member of the solar system
    • Large body orbiting a sun
    • A natural satellite of a planet
    • Basic building block of the universe
    • Planets orbiting one or more suns
  9. How far is the moon from the Earth if it take light 1.2 seconds to get here? (Use v=d/t)
  10. How far is the Sun from the Earth if it takes light 8 minutes to get here? (Use v=d/t)
  11. How far is ONE LIGHT YEAR (ly)?
  12. How far is the Alpha Centuri from the Earth if it take light 4.3 years to get here? (Use v=d/t) or any previous calculation.
  13. Rank these in order of size with the smallest first      SUN, GALAXY, STAR, MOON, SOLAR SYSTEM, PLANET, UNIVERSE
  14.  Which lens in a telescope produces the image?
  15. Which lens in a telescope magnifies the image?
  16. List the colours of the visible spectrum with the LOWEST frequency first.
  17. List the members of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of INCREASING FREQUENCY
  18. Name the device for splitting up white light into different colours.

S3 Physics – The Solar System Tasks

  1. Make sure you have completed definitions for: Moon, Planet, Star, Exoplanet, Galaxy, Solar System, Universe 2. Try and find an exoplanet mentioned in the Scale of the Universe https://htwins.net/scale2/
  2. Make sure you have noted in your jotter the order of the planets in our solar system – try and come up with a mnemonic to help you remember the order e.g. My Very Elderly Mother Just Served Up Nachos
  3. Create a fact file for a planet of your choice from our Solar System and The fact file should include:

Additional Tasks

  1. Make your own timeline of exoplanet discoveries
  2. Design an exoplanet. NASA have made a programme for this: https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/interactives/ and select ‘Extreme Planet Makeover’
  3. Watch ‘The Planets’ Series by Professor Brian Cox on iplayer – you can use this for notes for your factfile! https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p07922lr/the-planets

Space Mind Maps

This is part of a series of N5 Mind Maps made by Miss Milner. I have split them up into separate topics.

Uncrewed Mission Task :

Below is my example of the type of thing that you could do. I’ve used too much cut and paste, but it is so I know if you’ve copied my space probe you’ve got too much from the internet. I have used the questions to make headings, although as not all of the headings fitted I made some up of my own. I would have incorporated the Appendix into my work but didn’t have time, but it shows that it is a resource I used which is all about my space probe. If I could have found some of my posters and made a model to include it would have been better.

List of Space Probes

Find the name of a SUCCESSFUL space probe and research it, the link to the list of Space Probes below might help. Choose an UNCREWED SPACE MISSION. It can be from any country i.e. you can choose any space agency, NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, etc . RESEARCH before answering the questions below. Complete a 4 slide presentation with the following information.

Answer the following
  1. What is a space probe?
  2. What is the name of the mission you have selected? (NB Only one person to complete one mission so the first one to tell me your mission the better choice you’ll have)
  3. Name of the space probe you have researched
  4. When was it designed?
  5. What is special about its design?
  6. How is it fit for the purpose it was designed?
  7. Who built it?
  8. Who funded it?
  9. When was it sent into space? When did the space craft launch?
  10. Were the UK involved it its design, manufacture or tracking?
  11. When was it launched and from where?
  12. Where there any space probes similar to this one?
  13. What is its purpose?
  14. Has it found anything ground breaking?
  15. How far has it travelled?
  16. Any other interesting facts about this space probe?
  17. Provide some photos, pictures (not copyright ones) of your space mission. Remember they are often made of several parts, one to get there and one to research when at the destination.
  18. What was the aim / purpose of the mission?
  19. When were the expected mission dates?
  20. How long did the mission last?
  21. When did the space craft reach its destination?
  22. Tell me about the space probe, route it took, problems it overcame, logistics etc (look up this word)
  23. Did the mission last longer than expected?
  24. What did the mission discover / conclude?
  25. Did they get some unexpected data?
  26. Did the mission exceed expectations?
  27. How did the mission affect us on Earth?
  28. What exciting facts have you learned about this mission?
  29. What information can you share about the mission?

List of Solar System probes




Some of the Space Agencies from across the world. Some are state sponsored, some private companies.
Task MOON LANDINGS:  Then research the MOON HOAX  questions below. These are questions people say to try to persude the uneducated that man hasn’t been to the moon, but Science can answer all these queries. Between you all arrange to cover all the answers but you don’t need to do them all yourself. (due after Easter)
It’s a myth- no one’s been to the Moon this is what they say
  1. The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.
  2. There are no stars in any of the photos.
  3. The angle and colour of shadows are inconsistent. This suggests that artificial lights were used.
  4. There are identical backgrounds in photos which, according to their captions, were taken miles apart. This suggests that a painted background was used.
  5. The number of photos taken is implausibly high. Up to one photo per 50 seconds
  6. The photos contain artefacts like the two seemingly matching ‘C’s on a rock and on the ground. These may be labelled studio props.
  7. Who filmed Neil Armstrong stepping onto the Moon?
  8. The Astronauts appear to Glow-in-the-Dark
  9. The astronauts could not have survived the trip because of exposure to radiation from the Van Allen radiation belt and galactic ambient radiation (see radiation poisoning and health threat from cosmic rays).
  10. There’s no way the lunar buggy could fit in that little craft.
  11. Film in the cameras would have been fogged by this radiation.
  12. The Moon’s surface during the daytime is so hot that camera film would have melted.
  13. The flag placed on the surface by the astronauts fluttered despite there being no wind on the Moon.
  14. The footprints on the moon aren’t the same as the pattern of the soles of Neil Armstrong’s shoes
  15. Footprints in the Moondust are unexpectedly well preserved, despite the lack of moisture.
  16. The Lunar Modules made no blast craters or any sign of dust scatter.
  17. The second stage of the launch rocket and/or the Lunar Module ascent stage made no visible flame
  18. The Lunar Modules weighed 17 tons and made no mark on the Moondust, yet footprints can be seen beside them
  19. The air conditioning units that were part of the astronauts’ spacesuits could not have worked in an environment of no atmosphere.
  20. There should have been more than a two-second delay in communications between Earth and the Moon, at a distance of 400,000 km

A virtual movie night and as many of us watch it “together” and we can comment on Teams. The Martian (movie) Watch the movie The Martian with Matt Damon and get your pop corn out. I want you to divide a double page in your jotter into 4 and mark the sections “The Planet Mars”, “Living on Mars”, “Being alone/ the human resolve”, “technology.” As you go through the film think carefully about bullet points for each section. Maybe his isolation is easier to understand than ever before.



E’s and O’s for Space – Research Task


Research ONE of the following two options. List your sources and arguments for and against.

Make a poster of your conclusions and reasoning.

By using my knowledge of our solar system and the basic needs of living things, I can produce a reasoned argument on the likelihood of life existing elsewhere in the universe.
SCN 3-06a 
  1. Last week you researched about the solar system
  2. Find the 5 basic needs of living things
  3. Find out about
  • current thinking on the size of the universe
  • current thinking of the multiverse theory
  • habitable zones
  • exoplanets
  1.  Record the sources when you found the data and decide if they are likely to be valid or not.
  2.  From this work answer the statement “ the likelihood of life existing elsewhere in the universe.”
By researching developments used to observe or explore space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has evolved over time.
SCN 4-06a
  1. Last week you researched about the solar system
  2. What ideas did the Ancient Greeks etc have of our universe and solar system?
  3. What was the Church view on our solar system?
  4. Who invented the telescope and why was this so important to space exploration?
  5. Explain some of the work of Galileo Galilei.
  6. When was the first trip into space?
  7. Find out about some of the unmanned space missions and what they’ve found out (for example, Voyger, Cassini, Helio, Philae )
  8. What are some of the current views about our Universe?
  9. Explain the terms “open universe” “closed universe” and “static universe”
  10. Record the sources when you found the data and decide if they are likely to be valid or not.
  11.  From this work answer the statement “ Our knowledge of the universe has changed from (give examples of some of the oldest ideas) to (give some examples of current thinking).”