At the end of an S1 Unit of Science answer the following statements as thoroughly and carefully as possible to help your learning and self evaluation, to help you improve on your Science scores. Show your answers to your teacher and at home.
A. In this topic, I mostly enjoyed learning about ____________________ B. The part I found hardest to understand was ________________________ C. When I got stuck, I _________________________________ D. The most helpful class activities for me were (pick as many as you like): 1. Taking notes from the board, 2. Watching clips, 3. Doing experiments, 4. Listening to the teacher explaining, 5. Watching teacher demonstrations, 6. Whiteboard quizzes, 7. Answering questions in my jotter, 8. Going on the website, 9. Other (please state) ______________________________ E. To revise for my test, I ____________________________ F. Now I wish I had also ________________________________ G. I still find ___________________ hard to understand. H. I would like to ask about _______________________________
If there is anything else you would like to add let your teacher know.