Research ONE of the following two options. List your sources and arguments for and against.
Make a poster of your conclusions and reasoning.
By using my knowledge of our solar system and the basic needs of living things, I can produce a reasoned argument on the likelihood of life existing elsewhere in the universe.
SCN 3-06a
Last week you researched about the solar system
Find the 5 basic needs of living things
Find out about
current thinking on the size of the universe
current thinking of the multiverse theory
habitable zones
Record the sources when you found the data and decide if they are likely to be valid or not.
From this work answer the statement “ the likelihood of life existing elsewhere in the universe.”
By researching developments used to observe or explore space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has evolved over time.
SCN 4-06a
Last week you researched about the solar system
What ideas did the Ancient Greeks etc have of our universe and solar system?
What was the Church view on our solar system?
Who invented the telescope and why was this so important to space exploration?
Explain some of the work of Galileo Galilei.
When was the first trip into space?
Find out about some of the unmanned space missions and what they’ve found out (for example, Voyger, Cassini, Helio, Philae )
What are some of the current views about our Universe?
Explain the terms “open universe” “closed universe” and “static universe”
Record the sources when you found the data and decide if they are likely to be valid or not.
From this work answer the statement “ Our knowledge of the universe has changed from (give examples of some of the oldest ideas) to (give some examples of current thinking).”