OK this has taken hours and I am no nearer a solution! Can anyone help? Just as I begin to think I’ve got the hang of this website stuff something else goes wrong and I don’t understand the forums to get the help I need. Actually I can’t log in to the forums. Well, that isn’t totally true. I logged in today, but when I tried tonight it didn’t recognise my email address, any of them, despite being registered. I just wish I could get an afternoon tutorial from someone who can really show me what to do. I am not a book person when it comes to trying this sort of thing. A set of written instruction doesn’t usually help as it doesn’t appear to be written in a language my brain can make sense of. However, if I do it correctly I ought to just need to write it down and then I will be able to go back and do it correctly again..
In the blog section the “Leave a comment” is by the side of each post. In the National 5 section this is at the bottom, in the BGE where it is needed, I can’t find it anywhere. Looks like I might have broken the site!
Oh heck!
Hope someone can find a leave a comment to this post and can tell me what I am doing wrong. The discussions are set correctly, I know that, so it is somewhere else.
For two days I got myself into quite a state as I wondered why the comment box disappeared. It was there one morning, I have the comments to prove it, but by the evening I had totally misplaced it.
Today Sir Lancelot solved my problem, and I feel such a numpty. I had been looking at the end of the post, but I lacked the all important patience. I had so many alterations to the BGE front page that I didn’t scroll down to the bottom. It took the calm, organised personality of Sir Lancelot to look for 5 mins to realise I hadn’t scrolled down enough. Sure enough, there, at the bottom of the 45 changes to the post, was a small unticked box stating,
Clicking and ticking the box brought it all back and my worries dissolved, apart from realising what a huge number of hours I’d spent trying to sort this out myself.
Students, spend so long on a problem and then at a certain point just go and ask someone who knows. It is good to try to work it out for yourself but there comes a time when you have to decide that you have spent enough time trying to sort it out for yourself that it is best to seek help. By seeking help at the right time you can achieve so much more and everyone is better off for it. In my case I could have got the washing, ironing, floor mopped and button sewed on to my skirt!
I dedicate this post to Sir Lancelot of Lockerbie Academy, my knight in shining armour. He knows who he is, as does his wife!