Outcome 1

Before you can pass any units you must have completed an Outcome 1. This is a practical activity that you must have been involved in. You should have collected data and written it up. See the instructions below.

There is also included below a front marking sheet that you ought to place on the front of your submitted write up.

O1 mark sheet

O1 mark sheet


Your plan must include:
• an aim — which is a clear statement of what you are trying to do in this experiment/practical investigation
• the dependent and independent variables
• the relevant variable(s) to be kept constant
• what you will be measuring/observing
• a list of equipment/materials you will use
• a labelled diagram of the experimental arrangement, if appropriate
• a description of how you will carry out your experiment/practical investigation (including safety where appropriate)
Checkpoint: Ask your assessor to check your plan before you start the practical work.
• You should carry out your experiment/practical investigation safely, including repeated measurements and averages where appropriate.
• Record your observations/measurements in an appropriate way.
Checkpoint: Ask your assessor to check your results.
• Present your findings/results in any appropriate format. You should:
— record the information/data in a clear and systematic way, with well-organised tables of raw data
— process/analyse the results. Present your findings in any appropriate format. These may be from: a table, line graph or summary. Graphs should be plotted on squared graph paper
— use appropriate SI units and standard abbreviations
• State your conclusion(s) — which should reference the aim.
• Evaluate your experimental procedures, with justification(s). Your evaluation should include two possible improvements and be supported by justification(s).

Outcome 1

1 Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of this Unit to carry out an experiment/practical investigation by:
1.1 Planning an experiment/practical investigation
1.2 Following procedures safely
1.3 Making and recording observations/measurements correctly
1.4 Presenting results in an appropriate format
1.5 Drawing valid conclusions
1.6 Evaluating experimental procedures

To pass this assessment you will have to show that you have met this Outcome and Assessment Standards.
Your assessor will let you know how the assessment will be carried out and any required conditions for doing it.

What you have to do
This assessment activity is an experiment/practical investigation.
Your assessor will provide you with the resources you need. You may be able to work in a group to do the practical work, but your assessor will need you to show that you have met the Assessment Standards.
To pass this assessment, you will have to prepare a scientific report to show that you can:
• plan an experiment/practical investigation
• make and record observations/measurements correctly
• present your results in an appropriate format
• draw valid conclusions
• evaluate experimental procedures
While you are carrying out your experiment/practical investigation, your assessor will be observing to make sure that you are following procedures safely, and that you are making measurements correctly.

Experimental Write Up

Your best work. Rulers, sharp pencils, colour etc.

Correct use of terminology and units at all times


Title   Short and relevant with date.

Aim     What are you trying to find out/prove?

To find out how “something” affects “something else”.


Method     Instructions on how to complete the experiment; make it reliable and make it a fair test:

Set up the following apparatus (draw a good labelled diagram).

The “something” was set at a “value” and increased by an “amount” using the “piece of equipment”.  The “something else” was noted    at each value using the “other piece of equipment”.  Other variables were kept constant by…….

Results     Display the findings.

A neat table with headings and units.

An appropriate graph of somethingon the x-axis andsomething elseon the y-axis.

Conclusion    What did you find out?

As the “something” is increased / decreased, the “something else” increased / decreased / stayed the same.  Also include “directly/inversely proportional” if appropriate.

Evaluation    Are there any improvements that could be made to your experiment to reduce uncertainties?



