Regional Space School 2018

The timer below has been running for nearly two years and was based on an estimated departure time. Now we’re really close I’ve added a timer above with the true start time. So if in doubt when to drop off your students then check out the first clock. If it goes to a negative, we’ve gone without you!

The second D&G Space School 2018 is currently being planned. If you live in Dumfries & Galloway, will be in S4- S6 at school in October 2018 and will be studying at least one science then you should be eligible for the trip. There is a lot of fundraising to do before this time, so sign up, and join in. Speak to your School SCIENCE TEACHER for details.

Although the cost is approximately £2,000 we hope to raise a large portion of this, and you can try to raise it all. So don’t let this stop you.

Last time the trip was to cost over £2,000 but each student paid a maximum of £1,621 and we had loads less time to raise funds. One student could not afford the trip so got funding from various sources to cover the whole trip.


