
Tablepress, better than a bench press and more tasteful to the eye

As if 4 days at Standardisation isn’t enough, I sadly decided to spend the evening finally learning how to put neat tables into a website. The ultimate guru for this is Mr  Mackenzie who holds the “National Collection for SQA Papers“. I’d got as far as downloading Tablepress but hadn’t done anything more than that.

Several posts currently have tables and they look shocking. I am quite embarrassed by them, so sort to do something about them. I’ve got something in my continual professional development about making things look better but as I am unlikely to get out for a course I thought I’d self taught. Over the last three months I thought I’d be able to bend the ear of Mr Mackenzie, but although we are at Standardisation together, with the rest of the team, there isn’t much time for a tutorial. So off I went to the next best place, the internet. Now I looked at several ideas but the following link gave me a start Web Monkey gave me a start, but I must admit I got bored of waiting after the super heroes got to the fourth line.

So I decided to have a play with the SQA SG Past Papers and Marking Instructions. J Boyle, had kindly offered these files to me, and I hope that she doesn’t mind me uploading them. Although these are excellent as a resource for National 4 and 5, if a student manages to complete them all they deserve to do well in their National 5 exam.

It was over 2 hours of work. I uploaded an excel table to get the basics in and then had a play about. I am not sure if I’ve learnt the correct way to add a link but adding insert image appears to open the media library and I can upload the files. I’ve found it is easier to add all the files into one box rather than cut and paste them individually from the library. I even got to move the boxes, although again I think I might have taken a circuitous route to do this: I added a column, duplicated a column and then deleted the column that was empty and the original one, then I found the drag and drop function. I hope I can learn how to custom the column widths.

Hopefully over the next few months I can change all the tables and make them look quite presentable. I hope they look good on a mobile phone too. Now I am going back to my hotel room and am going to sleep- can you believe the 8 a.m. early start and late nights we will be doing.

Thanks to everyone who helped!

