New Year Resolved

Well what have you set as your target in this New Year?

  • Lose weight (or mass for a Physicist!),
  • Spend less,
  • exercise more?

What about making some different resolutions? Maybe choose something from the list below. You don’t have to make up resolutions on the first of January, what about being different and doing something new at any time of the year?

        1. Set a target to learn something new every day. Maybe keep a note of what you’ve learned.
        2. Read more. What about trying to read something new, different, out of your comfort zone etc.? You’d be surprised at the link between your performance in exams and life and your language skills. Readers tend to have better literacy skills.
        3. Be more grateful. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in what we are doing that we forget what others are doing for us. Think of all the people today who have got you through the day, e.g the people who made your clothes, washed you, fed you, drove you to school, served you in the shops, stacked the shelves so food would be there for you. It is so easy to pass through the day without giving a thought to others. If someone has helped you get through the day give them a thank you. You might just make their day!
        4. Set aside time to fulfil your dreams. Now unless you want to be a top sportsperson, like several of my former pupils, it ought to be in moderation. Think what you would like to achieve in life, then ask for advice and help in the best way to achieve it. Then go for it!
        5. Don’t judge others. I’m sure most of you have never read this but I think this is a great way to live your life.

           The Message (MSG) A Simple Guide for Behaviour Matthew: 7 v 1-5 “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbour’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole travelling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbour”.

          Here’s some honesty here. I’ve only just got to grips with this one. I apologize if I’ve judged you. It is none of my business, unless I am marking your exam! I’ve certainly been judged in return and very harshly at times, just as I have harshly judged others. You do indeed get back what you dish out, so dish out some positivity and get some of that back!

        6. Enjoy little things. Are you someone that judges things by how much they cost? If you are then you could be missing out on some wonderful experiences. See if you can have a good day out with friends without spending anything. What about agreeing with friends to make something for a gift instead of buying something and then try to make something that uses your time, skills and would be appreciated by your friend.
        7. Stop Procrastinating. Are you someone who waits for the last moment to do homework? Do you wait until the last minute to do any task? What about trying to do something as soon as you are given the task. Get out there and do what needs doing; it is likely to change your outlook on life.
        8. Be resilient. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. There are plenty of websites devoted to building resilience but some things on the list include good family and friend relationships, realise you can’t always change things so look beyond the present to what can be achieved in the future, take decisive action when faced with problems rather than running away. Keep a hopeful outlook and take care of yourself. Your friends can come from many areas of society and any age. When I was younger I had a family that I could go to, they weren’t my parents and they weren’t my peers. They were great at giving sensible advice and unprejudiced.
        9. Give back to others and start volunteering. It is when you realise that there are the bulk of the world’s population that are worse off than us that we can be grateful, so go and give back to the world for all it has given you. Try seeing if you can volunteer in a care home, go and offer to do the shopping for a neighbour etc. There are so many people that would love your time and skills. How Rich am I?
        10. Play more. You’re never to old to play, laugh, and make others laugh.
        11. See the beauty outside. If like me you live in the countryside get out more, listen for the birds and try to identify their song, look for hills. Make your own I-spy book of things you’d like to see, deer, badgers, hills, orchids etc. Look out for all the different types of grasses and stop thinking grass is just the green stuff. Until you stop and take note of your surroundings you will miss so much.
        12. And if you can’t manage these, still be good to yourself. Don’t bash yourself for things you can’t do but start looking at what you can achieve and let that cheer you. Lots of people in social media and on TV only show you a part of their life- it isn’t real.

      Happy 2018! I’m off for a walk.


One thought on “New Year Resolved”

  1. Skippy has suggested we keep a gratitude journal to record say three things every evening that you can be grateful for- for example having food and being alive are great starters. You can also have a gratitude buddy, so you can text each other your lists for accountability, and you usually become good friends.

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