Well that just about wraps it up!

13th July 2017!

Don’t you just love Christmas shopping when you’ve got the time? I am surrounded by wrapping paper and a pile of gifts, I think nearly all of my Christmas shopping is done, just a few last bits to do. It is so much less stressful buying gifts at this time of year than when people aren’t pushing around in the streets, there isn’t horrible Christmas music-makeyousic, and the panic hasn’t set in! It also saves a fortune on postage, which I don’t like paying after my Christmas gifts to Malawi went missing and my insurance cover only included someone sign for the parcel! Never mind if it was the signature was from the person to whom the parcel was addressed! They didn’t even know who signed for it SO WATCH what you pay for!

All I need now is to know I’ve chosen things people will like! Happy Christmas family, and expect to collected those gifts  from the Midlands in the next six weeks!
