Phew, well that has been another epic starting from Christmas Eve and finishing a few minutes ago. I’ve moved server and WP has updated to 5.0.2. It is at times like this when you realise the best years are behind you. I wasn’t even the main person doing this. Callum Laird was helping me with this but it was a lot for my brain to get around. I know 20 years ago that would have been a cinch, but not now.
So we’ve gone over to Guttenberg for the WP which is totally different, and we’ve migrated the website to another provider. It is now all tickety-boo, I hope. I think I was even sad enough to be conversing with the new webhosts on Christmas Day- at least it was quiet so no need to wait for help.
So I am sorry if you’ve been waiting for things or wanting to check things out over Christmas (as if) but I am now, hopefully back up and walking! I am not sure if I will ever be able to run again.
My new year’s resolutions- to learn WP 5.0 and to clear out all the dross in here, oh and to get some webmail up and running so you can contact me straight away.
I’ll do this when I feel down at the time it is taking me to write the new Higher Physics Notes, I mean how can it take so long when the course hardly changed?
Happy New Year and I hope that you learn something new and special every day.

P.S. Thanks Callum, and an especially Happy New Year to you!