It’s the Final Countdown

Don’t forget to pack a jumper. In America they turn the air conditioning units onto “fridge”

Tomorrow is our last bake sale.

The passports are all in and labelled, student help cards are ready and laminated , our travel lists are organized and all paperwork is up to date phew! It’s just a pity the staff are now so exhausted that they can’t begin to think of the midnight start.

One of the parents sent me this gif file and I think it fits perfectly! It’s just how I feel.

Only AH and H tests to complete and mark and the October break is upon us.

I will post on here giving you an daily update where possible. Find instant messages on Lockerbie Academy’s FB page.

As on our previous trip, I will note everything in one long post so that it reads in chronological order.  I’m afraid, for avid readers, you will need to scroll through to the bottom on a daily basis.

Don’t be late between Saturday night and Sunday morning: kick off 00:50 that’s ten to one in our time. (For the older ones that is in our non-inertial frame of reference).

Hope you parents have planned an exciting break and Higher students, don’t forget your revision!
