It’s the Final Countdown

Don’t forget to pack a jumper. In America they turn the air conditioning units onto “fridge”

Tomorrow is our last bake sale.

The passports are all in and labelled, student help cards are ready and laminated , our travel lists are organized and all paperwork is up to date phew! It’s just a pity the staff are now so exhausted that they can’t begin to think of the midnight start.

One of the parents sent me this gif file and I think it fits perfectly! It’s just how I feel.

Only AH and H tests to complete and mark and the October break is upon us.

I will post on here giving you an daily update where possible. Find instant messages on Lockerbie Academy’s FB page.

As on our previous trip, I will note everything in one long post so that it reads in chronological order.  I’m afraid, for avid readers, you will need to scroll through to the bottom on a daily basis.

Don’t be late between Saturday night and Sunday morning: kick off 00:50 that’s ten to one in our time. (For the older ones that is in our non-inertial frame of reference).

Hope you parents have planned an exciting break and Higher students, don’t forget your revision!

Have you missed it?

Below are copies of the materials shown at the Parents’ Evening on 11th June 2018.

Do look over it to remind you what a great time you are likely to have.


Student D&G Scottish Space School






11 June Meeting


Here is the Itinerary which may or may not change.


Have you lost it?

Here are the forms that you ought to have filled in! Further forms will be added as and when required.

Image-Release-Form-Space-Center-U-9-21-16 This form is required so that photos of students can be taken and uploaded to the NASA Space School Site


Scuba-Release-Form-Space-Center-U-9-29-16 Don’t hold your breath we might not need this one!

Consent & Medical Form (June 2017) pdf version. This will need to be filled in for NASA and then with 2 weeks to go to the trip to allow for updated medication.

Consent & Medical Form (June 2017) word version of the above

Please email Mr or Mrs Hargreaves or Mr Ormrod if you need the permission to take your child out of the country form.

