Ahoy there! This is Mrs Physics boating in the Scottish waters to bring you information for your BGE Science Courses.

Before we start I’d like to share with you why I believe the most wonderful subject you’ll study at school is …….PHYSICS.
Physics is the subject that explores our wonderfully and beautifully made universe and tries to describe things using laws.
Physics is the scientific study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other. This energy can take the form of motion, light, electricity, radiation, gravity . . . just about anything. Physics deals with matter from sub-atomic particles (i.e. the particles that make up the atom and the particles that make up those particles) to stars and even galaxies. This sounds terribly dull and not relevant to many of you, but let me sum it up this way.
Physics is the subject that delves (explores) into our wonderfully and beautifully made universe and tries to describe things using laws.

Have you ever really thought why a pen falls? 🖊 Why does it always fall downwards? 👇🏽👇🏾👇🏻Because of gravity you say! A physicist says yes, and then asks, but what causes gravity? What is gravity? See if you can come up with an idea about what causes gravity.🖋

Another question! Do you feel like we are moving? No, well why do we have day and night? The Earth must be spinning, or something must be moving around us. Which way are we moving? As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, we must be turning anticlockwise as we stand. That means we are going pretty quickly.

You probably know that
speed = distance / time,
…where the distance travelled, is the circumference of the Earth and the time is one day (the time for the Earth to spin once on its axis).
speed in miles per hour= Circumference/24 hours
speed = π x d / 24
speed = 3.14 x 7,918 / 24
= approx. 1000 mph
Obviously in Scotland we are travelling slower than that? Why? Amazing!
The first two Physics Courses you will study are theENERGY and SOUND topic and the BEYOND the VISIBLE topic. Later on over your BGE you will study HEAT, ROAD SAFETY, ELECTRICITY. This is the only time you are allowed to use the word “Electricity,” as a title for your unit. We will learn why during the course of your learning.
The first Physics topic in S1 will be a practical based research topic on ENERGY and SOUND.
Here is a joke about sound.
Two sound waves were travelling to their destination when they suddenly crash into each other.
The first wave says “Hey, are you okay?
“The second wave says “Oh I’m fine, it just Hertz!”
Why is wind power popular? Because it has a lot of fans!
“I had to create a report on how wind energy is produced. It was a breeze.”
How is the fish and chip shop owner good at saving energy? She makes things battery.
Scientists have determined that the most irritating sound to the human ear is the sound of a knife cutting a glass bottle. And the second-worst sound is a fork scratching a glass bottle. Evidently they did all their research at the Picnic for Morons.
– Peter Sagal

By the end of the course I hope you’ll understand all these jokes, as well as having a really good idea of the Physics behind “electricity”.
Two atoms were walking down the street towards Home Bargains when one of them said, “I think I lost an electron!” “Really!” the other replied, “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m absolutely positive.”
A neutron walked into a bar and asked, “How much for a J2O?” The bartender smiled and replied, “For you, no charge.”
“A sweater I bought was picking up static electricity. So, I returned it to the store. They gave me another one free of charge.”
This electrician arrives home at 3 am. His wife asks him, “Wire you, insulate?” He replies, “Watt’s it to you? I’m Ohm, aren’t I?”
“A photon checks into a hotel when the bellhop asks, ‘Would you like help with your luggage?’ The photon replies, “I don’t have any. I always travel light.”
“You must have a charge because I am finding myself feeling very attracted to you.”
“Just opened my water bill and my electricity bill at the same time… I was shocked.”
“My tight-fisted neighbor doesn’t want to pay for an electrician to re-wire his house, so he’s going to try and do it himself. ‘How hard can it be?’ he said. I think he’s in for a shock.”
“Why can’t you trust an atom? They make up everything.”
Question: What is the name of the first electrical detective?
Answer: Sherlock Ohms
“I really have to force myself to get through this book on friction.”
“Sir Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree one fine day, trying to figure out how gravity works. And then it hit him.”
I hope you’ll enjoy your course and love it as much as Mrs Physics.

Updated September 2022
PS Don’t forget to post a photo of Mostly Harmless if you see it.

Hi A, it ought to be written in your planner! Forces booklet 8 pp18-20. For 9am this morning.
My laptop on Friday didn’t let me open the slideshow so i tried at home and instead of the 80 or so slides that you said that we had to copy the important parts of, there was only 20 slides.
Sorry to take time to respond Emma, I’ve saved it as 6 slides to a page, so the slides are all there, just six to a page. I’ll sort it out Monday P1
When is the test?
Soon, date to be confirmed, but probably next week. I will tell you Friday 20th in class.
Thanks for getting the comment box back Mrs H!
I had to have help from Sir Lancelot, but I think I’ve cracked it now. I’ve posted about it on the blog, but I need to re-write it. I wrote it when I was far too tired and there are too many mistakes.