Part of the Notes from the intro section.
An edited version, saved as a pdf of the introduction unit to your Science course.
Hello. This is the presentation for your start of S1 Science. I can’t upload the great doody powerpoint as it has macros which aren’t allowed but I’ve saved it as a pdf. You’ll have to get in touch with me by sending me a message if you want a copy of the powerpoint, beware it is quite big!
Thanks to those at SCHOOLPHYSICS for some of the slides.

Here are copies of your Skills Passport if you lose yours, you’ll have to print out another copy.
This information should be in your jotter. Learn it for your test and follow the information in your classes. It will make you safe.
Try this link to check out your knowledge of safety in the lab!
or try this one and get a certificate on completion to add to your CV
NC BioNetwork Lab Safety Please note in the usual school lab you will not generally need to wear gloves and lab coats need only be worn using some chemicals (and not ones you’ll use in S1-S4)

equipment pdf file This is a draw a line between the equipment and its name. Use this for revision practice.
Readings homework This is a word sheet, if you can’t open it in word use the pdf file below.
Readings homework This is the same sheet as above but in word format. Make sure you can read the volumes from the measuring cylinders. Start by finding out what the scale reads.
Bunsen diagram Draw or stick in a labelled diagram of a Bunsen and know how to use it.
Using a Bunsen How to light and use a Bunsen correctly.
This is the material on the investigation you ought to have completed in class.
Here are some sheets to remind you how to draw scientific equipment.
Science equipment drawing work sheet Try to label the equipment yourself. The answers are given on the sheet below.
Science equipment drawing labelled Here is a labelled version of the sheet above. Learn the names of the equipment.
You must always think carefully when planning and doing an experiment. Completing a risk assessment is part of every investigation.
Pendulum Here is a powerpoint of the pendulum investigation you completed in class. Use it to revise and help you with further investigations.
Pendulum Here the powerpoint has been published as a pdf file so that you can open it.
If you were struggling to find the mean average for the times, go to the maths section in the national 5 part to read about working this out.
Graphs & variables
Drawing Graphs a4 graph paper-2-10mm
Click on this link below to find out about variables this is a word document. variables and graphs
Click on this link below to find out about variables this is a pdf document so most people should be able to read this.
Use the statements below to evaluate your performance in this unit and see how you got on.
S1 Introduction Pupil Profile Statements
To find out about how to revise look over the presentation on Revision Technique with someone at home found on the website www.physics4u.co.uk