A collection of Resources for colour and light. I will source contributors and add a reference section at the end. Thanks to all those people who supplied resources.
Some people are unfortunate and have colour deficiency. This is usually a genetic condition.
The different types are protanomaly, which is a reduced sensitivity to red light, deuteranomaly which is a reduced sensitivity to green light (the most common form of colour blindness) and tritanomaly which is a reduced sensitivity to blue light (extremely rare).
One of the uses of UV radiation is a security feature of bank notes. Shining UV radiation on to the bank note causes them to fluoresce (the atoms in the material take in the UV radiation and re-emits it as light which we can see)
Look at how advanced the fluorescing shapes and colours are.
IR cameras are used by the police to track for criminals at night but they are also really useful to the fire brigade at finding people in smoked filled buildings, you can’t hide behind a bin bag and even a hand print can leave a “heat print”.
Did you know you can be on the radio? Not very musical but it can drown out Radio Scotland.
The electromagnetic (em) spectrum is a collection of transverse waves that all travel at the same speed in air, the speed of light, 300 000 000 m/s. (equivalent to 7.5 times round the Earth every second)
One of the waves is VISIBLE LIGHT
The only difference between each of these waves is their wavelength or frequency. They all fit the formula
Speed= frequency × wavelength
v=f λ
The order is important and to remember it use the following rhyme!
Randy Radio & TV
Monkeys Microwaves
Invade Infrared
Venezuela Visible
Using Ultraviolet
Xylophone X-rays
Gunships Gamma
Period, T, is the time for one wave to pass a point and is measured in seconds.
Frequency, f is the number of waves being produced or passing a point per second. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz)
Here are lots of resources for you to check and practice. My utmost apologies if I have not credited people for sending this material. As soon as I know who you are I will thank you personally.
Currently I am having a little difficulty with the mobile version of this part of the website. The menu button doesn’t work. Hopefully I can fix it. So hang fire and hopefully you can allow students to use your computer!
This course has 2 powerpoints related to it to try to keep the size down. Footprints Science has some great work but the shockwave flash doesn’t work anymore!
When you’ve had a go at filling in your own mindmap check it off against mine. Have you managed to do a better job? Was there a big chunk you didn’t know? If there was then go back and look over the powerpoints
Some people are unfortunate and have colour deficiency. This is usually a genetic condition.
The different types are protanomaly, which is a reduced sensitivity to red light, deuteranomaly which is a reduced sensitivity to green light (the most common form of colour blindness) and tritanomaly which is a reduced sensitivity to blue light (extremely rare).
In this task you should research colour deficiency and complete the template.
The only difference between each of these waves is their wavelength or frequency. They all fit the formula
Speed= frequency × wavelength
v=f λ
The order is important and to remember it use the following rhyme!
Randy Radio & TV
Monkeys Microwaves
Invade Infrared
Venezuela Visible
Using Ultraviolet
Xylophone X-rays
Gunships Gamma
Here are lots of resources for you to check and practice. My utmost apologies if I have not credited people for sending this material. As soon as I know who you are I will thank you personally.
Did you know you can be on the radio? Not very musical but it can drown out Radio Scotland.
IR cameras are used by the police to track for criminals at night but they are also really useful to the fire brigade at finding people in smoked filled buildings, you can’t hide behind a bin bag and even a hand print can leave a “heat print”.
One of the uses of UV radiation is a security feature of bank notes. Shining UV radiation on to the bank note causes them to fluoresce (the atoms in the material take in the UV radiation and re-emits it as light which we can see)
Look at how advanced the fluorescing shapes and colours are.
The electromagnetic (em) spectrum is a collection of transverse waves that all travel at the same speed in air, the speed of light, 300 000 000 m/s. (equivalent to 7.5 times round the Earth every second)
Some people are unfortunate and have colour deficiency. This is usually a genetic condition.
The different types are protanomaly, which is a reduced sensitivity to red light, deuteranomaly which is a reduced sensitivity to green light (the most common form of colour blindness) and tritanomaly which is a reduced sensitivity to blue light (extremely rare).
One of the uses of UV radiation is a security feature of bank notes. Shining UV radiation on to the bank note causes them to fluoresce (the atoms in the material take in the UV radiation and re-emits it as light which we can see)
Look at how advanced the fluorescing shapes and colours are.
IR cameras are used by the police to track for criminals at night but they are also really useful to the fire brigade at finding people in smoked filled buildings, you can’t hide behind a bin bag and even a hand print can leave a “heat print”.
Did you know you can be on the radio? Not very musical but it can drown out Radio Scotland.
The electromagnetic (em) spectrum is a collection of transverse waves that all travel at the same speed in air, the speed of light, 300 000 000 m/s. (equivalent to 7.5 times round the Earth every second)
One of the waves is VISIBLE LIGHT
The only difference between each of these waves is their wavelength or frequency. They all fit the formula
Speed= frequency × wavelength
v=f λ
The order is important and to remember it use the following rhyme!
Randy Radio & TV
Monkeys Microwaves
Invade Infrared
Venezuela Visible
Using Ultraviolet
Xylophone X-rays
Gunships Gamma
Period, T, is the time for one wave to pass a point and is measured in seconds.
Frequency, f is the number of waves being produced or passing a point per second. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz)
Here are lots of resources for you to check and practice. My utmost apologies if I have not credited people for sending this material. As soon as I know who you are I will thank you personally.
Keith Johnson has written an amazing book which is being updated regularly. You can access free powerpoints here. I really hope that he doesn’t mind me reproducing one of them here, but pop along there for a whole list of useful powerpoints for all your classes, or for students to brush up on lots of Scientific skills.
It looks like some of you are going to be doing the electricity unit online. This is tricky but we’ll try to do as much practical as possible.
Risk Assessments S1 Electricity.xlsx
Control Measures
Rechargeable Cells or PP3s
Do not use rechargeable cells, lithium batteries or PP3s (the flat ones) for your own electrical kits as they have low internal resistance and could cause a high current.
Use only 1.5 V cells and zinc chloride are safer than alkaline.
Dispose of these as instructed on the packet once they no longer work. (they should be fine for the whole block)
Don’t use cells that have leaked- they must not be emitting a liquid or a powdery substance.
Only use a maximum of 2 x 1.5 V cells at a time.
Kitchen foil
Kitchen foil boxes usually have a sharp edge to cut the foil. Ask a grown up to tear you some off if there is a chance you can cut your finger
Beware of sharp edges on scissors
Parcel tape or sellotape
This can be very sticky and pose a risk to pets or young children, ask a grown up to help tape off the home made wires or complete the task well away from young children and pets.
Electrical kit use
Do NOT use your electrical kit near electrical sockets or electrical items.
Do NOT use near water and other liquids.
Static Experiments
Do NOT do your static experiements near electrical sockets or electrical items.
Balloons can cause a shock to children and pets if they burst so don’t over blow them or use sharp finger nails. Warn young children and keep away from pets.
If you take apart a torch do not lose any small parts that can be a choking hazard. Do not use LED torches. Make sure the cells in the torch haven’t leaked. You will know if they have as there will be a white powder or liquid.
These are the Video Links to the S1 Electricity Ohm Comforts Videos
Electric charge can be collected by rubbing two different surfaces together.
A Van de Graff Generator produces electric charges.
Check your answers from last lesson on the atom using the wordwall game. Review the work to make sure you could label a model of the atom.
Answer the microsoft Form on the Atom.
Static Electricity
Watch this video on static experiments. Try these at home and pop a picture in the comments of how you get on.
Watch the clips on the Van de Graaff Generator, it is just an effective way of collecting charge. There are instructions to make your own in the electrity notes in another post.
Try some of these experiments. NB styrofoam means polystyrene in the UK and try a plastic ruler if you haven’t got plastic pipe.
Here are the individual videos of the static experiments
Lesson 3 and 4
Lighting a bulb and making your own electrical kit! (or breaking up your old torch)
Conductors and Insulators
Watch the video How to Light a Bulb
Watch the video clip about Making your own Electricital Kit. Try making your own electrical kit and post some photos.
Watch the video clip to improve your circuit and try to put a switch in your own circuit if you make one.
Now use your circuit to test materials for conductors and insulators. Instructions are in the clip below. Don’t forget to record your results in the table shown.
A conductor is a material with free electrons that allows electrons through it. An insulator is a material where additional electrons cannot pass through.
Testing for Conductors and Insulators using your homemade electrical kit
Lesson 5
Drawing Circuit Symbols
You should know
Drawing Circuits.
Circuit symbols are used to show how circuits can be built.
The circuit symbol for a cell, switch, bell, ammeter, voltmeter, lamp, power supply, resistor, wire, connected wire.
Make sure that you can draw circuits using the proper symbols and following the rules for drawing circuits.
The current in series and parallel is a word version of the instructions for the videos above on setting up the Phet to check the rules for current and voltage in a series circuit. It would also be a great introduction to resistance
The current and voltage questions are based on the questions produced by Mr Belford and cover identifying current and voltage readings with series and parallel circuits.
Lesson 12
Fruity Batteries.
You should know
How to design simple chemical cells and use them to investigate the factors which affect the voltage produced.
The first sheet is the brief version, the second one has more detail in it.
Don’t forget you can get more information and detail from the National 5 section of this website. GO to the PHYSICS NOTES link in the header and click on the DYNAMICS section. You can also answer some of the Compendium Questions and check the answers in the LO Answer section.
Below are the same files as above but as word versions
Here is the link to the questions for Newton’s Second Law F=ma. Don’t forget to use IESSUU when answering these questions but no need to write out the question, just summarise the information.