Please find a list of the newsletters from the 2018 D&G Regional Space School.
Please find a list of the newsletters from the 2018 D&G Regional Space School.
This list from Nick Hood is a compilation of good Physics reads.
School Library Must Buy Science Books
I think that there are a few that are left out.
I think anyone with an interest in Science will also love Douglas Adams “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” series. If you hate reading the radio series is out in audio format and is excellent to have on your small square things.
Don’t think that the 2005 film is anything like the radio series or books. As they say, anything with Don’t Panic on the cover must be good. Douglas Adams read English at Cambridge University, but seemed to have such an uncanny knack for Science.
This is a great little series for lower school students. It is written by Lucy and Stephen Hawkings. Yes Lucy is the daughter of the famous theoretical physics professor.
I’m looking forward to Cutting Edge Classroom Conference
Maybe it is apt, that my first Physics in the News post should be about Dark Matter as we covered this yesterday in Higher.
in this article, physicist have modelled possible candidates for dark matter, particles called axioms that hardly interact with any photons.
Could it be one or more of my ex-pupils that finally helps put in an important jigsaw piece into this puzzle?
So that the posts can be read in chronological order I will make the diary just one post and write in blocks, (if I can get it to work)
Here is a very brief overview of what we did on each day, so that Space Cadets can write something for the Holywood Trust, who kindly sponsored us for this trip.
Monday 17th October
Tuesday 18th October
Wednesday 19th October
Thursday 20th October
Friday 21st October
Saturday 22nd October
Hooray, after missing 15,15,15,15 and all the others in between I managed to catch the real countdown. Not long now before our Space Cadets Leave for Houston!
Not long now!
Here they are! D&G space cadets. Hopefully the next lot of photos will be better.
Check out the plans for your rockets guys
Doesn’t everyone love Physics for the rockets? I do, and there is so much Physics in there!
More to follow when I get to work and can upload things more easily!
For several years I have been lucky enough to have time to run a BGE course with the Modern Languages Department called ESPACE. We take the topic of Space and add in some communication and French. Unfortunately some of the Prezi presentations that have been produced are not available, but below is some of the resources I’ve been using. You are most welcome to use anything here.
1 Espace Plan Part of the initial plan for the Espace Course
2.Espace temp team building Some team building exercises, for astronaut training
4.Moon-Landing-mission4 This ppp includes the option of words in Spanish.
Test de la NASA The French version
moon_quiz_protected2 Upload your answers here and find your score. NB macros have to be enabled to allow this mark sheet to work. Based on the French edition.
Blog post of our Apollo 13 re-enactment
Below are some other resources for a space topic. Enjoy!