Above are the material for the 2019 S1 Scottish Scientist Competition. This is a compulsory homework piece.
Here is the task
Topic: How Scientists from Scotland, or working in Scotland have made a big difference to our lives.
Task- Summary break down
- To research
- To identify a topic
- To present your work Details
1. You need to research and report on Scottish Science. Find some Science being carried out in Scotland that interests you, or some Scottish Scientists working abroad. The work must have happened after World War Two (WW2)- that means after 1945.
2. For the week beginning Monday 10th October, record on your template sheet who or what your chosen subject will be. This will then be discussed with your teacher to make sure it is meets the rules.
3. When your teacher has said your project meets the standard you should research more into your topic.
4. Present your work (by 18th November ) including the following:
- a. Your Name,
- b. Your Register class,
- c. Who or what Science or Scientist you have researched?
- d. What Science do carry out (this must be Science and not social science etc.)?,
- e. How is this Science relevant to us?
- f. What effect have they made on the environment or society?
- g. Where did you get your information (include the sources); for example, record the website or book you used to obtain the information?
- h. Try to find or draw some pictures to go with your topic i. The minimum length is one side of A4 paper, the maximum is 4 sides of A4 paper. The person submitting the best piece of work will win the JUNIOR SCIENCE TROPHY.
- DEADLINES One sentence on who or what you plan to study: Science period during week beginning 10th October
Final document: 18th November
Homework Help: See your teacher if you need additional help or would like to attend a homework class to help get you started.
Possible sources of information
For the link above it might be a good idea to start near the end (about p40), but make sure you choose a Scientist, and not a social or political scientist (who aren’t really scientists)
Add a comment below if you need further help or ask your Science Teacher.
i love the joke about the 2 waves :/ -> 🙂
Mrs H have you got any recommendations for websites about kidney dialysis i cant find much apart from kidshealth
Hi C,
I can just do a google search like you. Some of the NHS stuff is written for people with only a basic knowledge. Don’t panic yourself though. Let me know if this doesn’t help and I’ll try plan B! I am sure there will be stuff in the school library- you know, books!
PS- hope you were impressed with the speed of that reply, and I got up at 4:30am this morning and travelled from Reading!
thanks Mrs Physics I will check them out 🙂
Mrs Hargreaves i coudn’t find any info about the Scottish scientist there wasn’t any that i could find but i tried
No worries see me tomorrow. I thought it was here. What are you needing?