Writing Up Your Project

A set of videos to help you write up your advanced higher project report.

Setting up a Word Document

In this section I’ll add information about how to write up your AH Project. Here is the first installment. Nothing great, but just to set up your document so that you gain the Structure mark

Producing Graphs for your project

Being edited!

Adding Your Graphs into your project


If you’ve time this is a great little document from Queen’s University Belfast,

Filetoupload,1560644,en.pdf (qub.ac.uk)

Rotational Motion Background Documents

Welcome to the AH Physics course. Another year, another journey together. I hope you feel that this site meets your requirements and that you can find the materials that you need.

Check out MrStewart’s YouTube channel for some great clear explanations from this course.


Higher Revision

1 Jumper and building Answers

1b Mechanics Learning Outcomes 1 Questions

1b Mechanics Learning Outcomes 1 Answers

2a Flea soln

2b Linear motion

differentiation and integration in Linear Motion

1c homework on differentiation

1c differentiation answers

Tutorial Questions

RMA-726390 A set of Problem Solving Questions based on the original HSDU material by Andrew McGuigan, in pdf format

RMA 726390 A  set of Problem Solving Questions based on the original HSDU material by Andrew McGuigan, in word format

Rotational Motion

2 Circular Motion_2

3 uncertainties answers

Gravity Wells in infographics!


Gravitational Waves

December 2024

Quanta & Waves Resources

With the great Professor Jim Al-Khalili
Part 2 of 2 with Professor Jim Al-Khalili, he really is as nice in real life! Eat your heart out Brian Cox, Jim is MILES, I mean M-I-L-E-S better!

Resources: Notes and video (flash learning AH CfE Virtual Physics)

Read the notes, watch the video and answer the questions below, in a way that makes them form a good note about the subject.

  1. What three pieces of key evidence didn’t fit with classical physics?
  2. In 1911 Rutherford put forward his model of the atom, a) State the important features of this model b) What provides the centripetal force for the electrons in this model?
  3. Describe black body radiation.
  4. State two changes with the black body radiation curve as temperature increases.
  5. Describe the UV catastrophe.
  6. Who helped solve the UV catastrophe and in what ways?
  7. Which piece of the photoelectric effect experiment demonstrates that energy is not transferred as waves?
  8. From the photoelectric effect state the link between the energy of the photon and a) the frequency of the radiation, b) the wavelength
  9. What did Bohr postulate about angular momentum?
  10. State the formula for angular momentum in Bohr’s model of the atom, (define each term)
  11. State the limits for the Bohr model of the atom
  12. Explain the observation made by GP Thomson in 1920 which led to further debate on the issue.
  13. What did de Broglie imply was the link between electrons as waves and particles?
  14. Explain the confusion caused when looking at the double slit experiment with single particles.
  15. What happens when you observe an electron passing through the slit?
  16. What two quantities cannot be measured together with much certainty and why?
John Sharkey’s Virtual Physics CfE AH Particles from Space
John Sharkey’ SHMs Virtual Physics CfE AH
John Sharkey’s Waves Virtual Physics CfE AH
This is additional support for travelling waves

Here is a nice little video on Standing Waves. Standing waves are formed when a wave interferes with its reflection to produce nodes and antinodes.

…..and here is the explanation for the standing wave video

John Sharkey’s Interference Virtual Physics CfE AH
John Sharkey’s CfE AH Polarisation

Below are some cracking resources from Sally Weatherly, find her here!


Below are some accumulated resources. Thanks to all of those who produced them.

ah-quanta-summary notes problems-2015 Thanks to RGC for these notes

quanta-and-waves-student-booklet-i-ror Thanks to Mr Orr for these.

Quanta and Waves Student booklet I ROR pdf version of the above

4.2 Energy changes during simple harmonic motion

ah waves summary notes and problems 2013 RGC notes thanks for these

PhysicsQuantaandWaves_tcm4-726389 Andrew McGuigan Numerical Questions

ah quanta summary notes and problems 2015 LA

ah quanta tutorial solutions 2015

ah uncertainties experiments 2013

ah waves summary notes and problems 2013

ah waves tutorial solutions 2013



stellar  physics pdf       stellar physics.doc



cosmic-rays A quick research task on cosmic rays.

cosmic-rays-answers The answers to the sheet above.



Scientist think that the Earth is due a “Magnetic Flip” Research this starting at the link below and then answer the AH Revised question on this from the 2015 Paper Q11

Here is a Radio 4 programme talking about the consequences of a polar flip. If you want to view further programmes click on the link below.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/curious case of Rutherford and Fry



The number of sunspots is an indication of solar activity. Research this and then complete the AH Revised 2013 paper Q6.



Quantum Tunnelling – strange but true


What is the Uncertainty Principle? Minute Physics

Quantum Tunnelling is the process by which a particle gets across a barrier that it cannot classically pass.

It is related to wave-particle duality in that it is a result of the wave nature of a particle.

The probability of the particles getting through the barrier drops exponentially with the thickness of the barrier.

“>What is Quantum Tunnelling? Minute Physics

How to walk through walls- Quantum Tunnelling

Is Quantum Tunnelling faster than the speed of light?

Quantum Entanglement








Tutorial AH Revised Booklet v2



December 2020

Week 1: Get to know the Course


  1. Get to know the course, content and expectations
  2. Begin to understand Uncertainties, and how to quantify them
  3. Revise Higher work
  4. Get into a routine of expectations, good work routine, how to self study, how to seek help
  5. Review calculus and its role in AH physics.
  6. Begin to get to grips with section 1 in the compendium.
  7. Begin to investigate a possible project idea.

Success Criteria

  1. Score 90% in the quick quiz (If I can find out how to make them up!)
  2. Have a good understanding of your part in obtaining the best grade you can
  3. Start to make notes on compendium section 1.
  4. Have set up a learning routine for Project, Learning, Notes etc.


NB You do not have to do these in any particular order, although it would be easier to do some before the others!

  1. If possible download and print off the AH Compendium, relationships sheet and data sheet. If not can you download it in an editable form online
  2. Log into Scholar and check it out. I hope to be using it this year, so I’ll need a refresher too. The notes and questions can be a little awkward but it is a good background. Note there is a SCHOLAR introduction session on 6th May that I recommend you signing up for. Log in through your GLOW LAUNCHPAD
  3. Check out Mrsphysics AH section and familiarise yourself as to where to find things.
  4. Check other websites in the list that I am trying to make up on RESOURCES. I am trying to match this to the compendium but the IoP have been working on this for you too. https://mrmackenzie.co.uk/advanced-higher/
  5. Watch the video on Mr Mitchell’s introduction to AH Physics
  6. Watch the video on Mr Mitchell’s Units, Prefixes and Scientific Notation
  7. Watch the video on Mr Mitchell’s Significant Figures
  8. Watch the video on Mr Mitchell’s Greek Letters
  9. and one more watch the video on Mr Mitchell’s Use of Calculators
  10. Read the course content (course support notes)and the project and see if any of the potential projects takes your fancy.
  11. Get something to make notes in or on, if you don’t have access to a source of paper let me know by GLOW email. You need a jotter for notes, something for tutorials and a daybook for your project.
  12. Complete the Higher questions and see how many you can do without using your book.
  13. Read the document on Calculus (pdf) / Calculus (word) and work through that. There are homework questions for you to tackle in there. You will be marking these next week.


November 2024

Project 2019+ UPDATED

Some really important information before starting out on your project. Plus some references you might wish to consult.

This is a sample of great References you can get if you sign up to the Archive. No idea how many of us can borrow these books at once!

An adaptation of Tom Balanowski’s notes by Mr Bailey. This is a useful guide to teachers preparing students for their AH Physics Project. PLANNING is the KEY.

<a href=

If you are not familiar with Excel can I recommend you spending a bit of time looking over the post in the BGE section (link below). I’ll add a further advanced part for you below.

Other packages are available and some are more robust such as R but I am not sure whether I will introduce that to you now.


Note Document 6772 IS NOT CURRENT. It is based on AH from 2000-2015, but it does contain some useful hints, tricks and examples. Caveat emptor!


Young’s Modulus

s2-7 Young’s Modulus

Episode 228 – The Young modulus_0


Young’s Modulus


June 2020


Here is a little document to start you on some revision. The answers are given at the end, but don’t cheat.

definitions RM&A pdf   definitions RM&A word

I’ll add some more on other topics later.

Thanks to H Stark for her 10 week Revision Plan, you’ve just enough time if you start NOW!

Quantum Mechanics

  • I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.

But here is a great video to help you understand what is happening

Quantum Theory Full Documentary

The link below is to the brilliant video with Brian Greene- this should get you thinking.


this link is set up so you miss the blurb at the beginning.

Or closer to home check out this video


Here is a link to brief notes on the important discoveries leading to the Quantum Mechanics ideas we know today.

The Sectrets of Quantum Physics

  • We have always had a great deal of difficulty understanding the world view that quantum mechanics represents. At least I do, because I’m an old enough man that I haven’t got to the point that this stuff is obvious to me. Okay, I still get nervous with it…. You know how it always is, every new idea, it takes a generation or two until it becomes obvious that there’s no real problem. I cannot define the real problem, therefore I suspect there’s no real problem, but I’m not sure there’s no real problem.
    • Richard Feynman, in Simulating Physics with Computers appearing in International Journal of Theoretical Physics (1982) p. 471.
  • We choose to examine a phenomenon [Double-slit experiment] which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery. We cannot make the mystery go away by “explaining” how it works. We will just tell you how it works. In telling you how it works we will have told you about the basic peculiarities of all quantum mechanics.
    • Richard Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Commemorative Issue, Vol. 3 Quantum Mechanics (1989) 1-1, “Quantum Behavior.”

Units, Prefixes, Scientific Notation and Uncertainties

Here is a link to a presentation that I gave for the IoP on AH Uncertainties.

The slides are 1GB, so you might want to ask me to share those some other way. Here is a pdf of the slides, including example SQA Uncertainty questions

Below is attached various useful documents to assist you in this vital part of the course. It is when you begin to use this material when going through your own experiments that it will become clear. Take time to read and understand it.

AH uncertainties summary notes 2013 These are a great set of notes produced by SSERC.

Here is a pdf of the talk I did for Physics teachers on Uncertainties in AH Physics. If you want the powerpoint you’ll need to get in touch as it is 1GB!

Below is the presentation. It was made for teachers, but there are quite a few bits suitable for students. Maybe I should edit it for students. Let me know..

UPSN Uncerts These are the content statements covering this topic from the May 2016 Course Support Notes.

ppp graph uncertsAH physics graphical uncertainties

AH Uncert N Fancey G Millar AH Uncerts

Uncertainties notes Mrs Physics’ AH Uncertainty Notes based on the pdf file by N Fancey and G Millar.

AH uncertainties experiments 2013  Experiment sheets produced by SSERC.

AH uncertainties tutorial 2013  Questions from Robert Gordon College.

AH uncertainties tutorial solutions 2013 The solutions from Robert Gordon College. Q1 updated. I’ll need to check through the rest.

Measure gd practice

Measurung gd practice

Use this document very sparingly, it is not compatible with some of the AH mark scheme, especially in that it recommends you always round UP in an uncertainty. This is NOT what you should do at AH.- You’ve been warned! Contact me if you have concerns.

OHIO_uncertainty_notes Ohio

SigFigsUS SigfigUS

reading a micrometer   micrometer

Reading the Vernier Scale on the Travelling Microscope

Use of Linest


Hope these help you through your course. I suggest you read them through several times and quite carefully.

Here is a link to a presentation I gave for the IoP on AH Uncertainties. It is worth AH students checking it out.



December 2020
