Writing Up Your Project

A set of videos to help you write up your advanced higher project report.

How to record your relationships!

This is not a discussion about your friendships but how the data can be described.

The best terminology to use for graphs that have

That avoids issues around whether something is directly proportional or proportional.

Directly proportional only applies when the graph is a straight line through the origin (or close to the origin within the uncertainty in the y-intercept). It is best to avoid ‘proportional’ altogether.

A curve, such as that produced when plotting irradiance against distance, can never be described as showing an ‘inversely proportional’ relationship, since it does not show the actual relationship (it could potentially be any number of different relationships).

Inverse proportionality can only be claimed when the correct graph of, for example, irradiance against 1/d2 is drawn, and it produces a straight line through the origin.

The type of graph produced for an internal resistance experiment is covered by the term ‘linear relationship’, as it follows the equation y=mx+c format.

Setting up a Word Document

In this section I’ll add information about how to write up your AH Project. Here is the first installment. Nothing great, but just to set up your document so that you gain the Structure mark


Producing Graphs for your project

Being edited!

Adding Your Graphs into your project


If you’ve time this is a great little document from Queen’s University Belfast,

Filetoupload,1560644,en.pdf (qub.ac.uk)


Feb 2025


Using John Sharkey’s Flash Learning this video covers the required Virtual CfE Advanced Higher Physics Equations. NB there are some updates to equations since this material was produced.

Click on the image to open the Relationships Sheet.

Here is a little video to remind you of the relationships required at AH. See below for updates

Please note

December 2020

Quanta & Waves Resources

With the great Professor Jim Al-Khalili
Part 2 of 2 with Professor Jim Al-Khalili, he really is as nice in real life! Eat your heart out Brian Cox, Jim is MILES, I mean M-I-L-E-S better!

Resources: Notes and video (flash learning AH CfE Virtual Physics)

Read the notes, watch the video and answer the questions below, in a way that makes them form a good note about the subject.

  1. What three pieces of key evidence didn’t fit with classical physics?
  2. In 1911 Rutherford put forward his model of the atom, a) State the important features of this model b) What provides the centripetal force for the electrons in this model?
  3. Describe black body radiation.
  4. State two changes with the black body radiation curve as temperature increases.
  5. Describe the UV catastrophe.
  6. Who helped solve the UV catastrophe and in what ways?
  7. Which piece of the photoelectric effect experiment demonstrates that energy is not transferred as waves?
  8. From the photoelectric effect state the link between the energy of the photon and a) the frequency of the radiation, b) the wavelength
  9. What did Bohr postulate about angular momentum?
  10. State the formula for angular momentum in Bohr’s model of the atom, (define each term)
  11. State the limits for the Bohr model of the atom
  12. Explain the observation made by GP Thomson in 1920 which led to further debate on the issue.
  13. What did de Broglie imply was the link between electrons as waves and particles?
  14. Explain the confusion caused when looking at the double slit experiment with single particles.
  15. What happens when you observe an electron passing through the slit?
  16. What two quantities cannot be measured together with much certainty and why?
John Sharkey’s Virtual Physics CfE AH Particles from Space
John Sharkey’ SHMs Virtual Physics CfE AH
John Sharkey’s Waves Virtual Physics CfE AH
This is additional support for travelling waves

Here is a nice little video on Standing Waves. Standing waves are formed when a wave interferes with its reflection to produce nodes and antinodes.

…..and here is the explanation for the standing wave video

John Sharkey’s Interference Virtual Physics CfE AH
John Sharkey’s CfE AH Polarisation

Below are some cracking resources from Sally Weatherly, find her here!


Below are some accumulated resources. Thanks to all of those who produced them.

ah-quanta-summary notes problems-2015 Thanks to RGC for these notes

quanta-and-waves-student-booklet-i-ror Thanks to Mr Orr for these.

Quanta and Waves Student booklet I ROR pdf version of the above

4.2 Energy changes during simple harmonic motion

ah waves summary notes and problems 2013 RGC notes thanks for these

PhysicsQuantaandWaves_tcm4-726389 Andrew McGuigan Numerical Questions

ah quanta summary notes and problems 2015 LA

ah quanta tutorial solutions 2015

ah uncertainties experiments 2013

ah waves summary notes and problems 2013

ah waves tutorial solutions 2013



stellar  physics pdf       stellar physics.doc



cosmic-rays A quick research task on cosmic rays.

cosmic-rays-answers The answers to the sheet above.



Scientist think that the Earth is due a “Magnetic Flip” Research this starting at the link below and then answer the AH Revised question on this from the 2015 Paper Q11

Here is a Radio 4 programme talking about the consequences of a polar flip. If you want to view further programmes click on the link below.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/curious case of Rutherford and Fry



The number of sunspots is an indication of solar activity. Research this and then complete the AH Revised 2013 paper Q6.



Quantum Tunnelling – strange but true


What is the Uncertainty Principle? Minute Physics

Quantum Tunnelling is the process by which a particle gets across a barrier that it cannot classically pass.

It is related to wave-particle duality in that it is a result of the wave nature of a particle.

The probability of the particles getting through the barrier drops exponentially with the thickness of the barrier.

“>What is Quantum Tunnelling? Minute Physics

How to walk through walls- Quantum Tunnelling

Is Quantum Tunnelling faster than the speed of light?

Quantum Entanglement








Tutorial AH Revised Booklet v2



December 2020

Project 2019+ UPDATED

Some really important information before starting out on your project. Plus some references you might wish to consult.

This is a sample of great References you can get if you sign up to the Archive. No idea how many of us can borrow these books at once!

An adaptation of Tom Balanowski’s notes by Mr Bailey. This is a useful guide to teachers preparing students for their AH Physics Project. PLANNING is the KEY.

<a href=

If you are not familiar with Excel can I recommend you spending a bit of time looking over the post in the BGE section (link below). I’ll add a further advanced part for you below.

Other packages are available and some are more robust such as R but I am not sure whether I will introduce that to you now.


Note Document 6772 IS NOT CURRENT. It is based on AH from 2000-2015, but it does contain some useful hints, tricks and examples. Caveat emptor!


Young’s Modulus

s2-7 Young’s Modulus

Episode 228 – The Young modulus_0


Young’s Modulus


June 2020

Changes in AH from 2019

Firstly from me

check out the prefixes you need. Notice anything different?

Yep, know your femto from you nano, and your Peta from your Tera!

I am grateful to Ms K Ward from George Heriot’s School for trawling through the new and old curriculum and recording the changes. Thanks also for allowing me to reproduce it here.


Old assessment: 100 mark question paper, 30 mark project, plus pass all the units

New assessment: 155 mark question paper, scaled to 120, 40 mark project (hence project is 25%)

Changes to content:

The content is no longer divided into ‘mandatory course key areas’, ‘suggested learning activities’, and ‘exemplification of key areas’.  There is simply a list of the course contents.

Where the wording has changed but I don’t see any real difference, I have said ‘no change’. 


Kinematic relationships – no change

Angular motion – derivation of centripetal acceleration equation is gone

Rotational dynamics – no change


–       ‘Conversion between astronomical units (AU) and metres and between light-years (ly) and metres’ – is new

–       ‘Consideration of the energy required by a satellite to move from one orbit to another’ – is gone

General Relativity

–       ‘Knowledge that the escape velocity from the event horizon of a black hole is equal to the speed of light’ – is new

Stellar physics
has changed to

Specific example of  a p-p chain is now given

Hertzprung-Russell section is rewritten more clearly.

Quanta and Waves

Introduction to quantum theory – no change

Particles from space

–       ‘Knowledge of the interaction of the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field’ – is gone.  New document only mentions composition of solar wind.  Helical motion of charged particles is still there though, so it might not really matter.

Simple harmonic motion (SHM)– no change

Waves – no change


Relationship for interference due to division of amplitude is now specified, 
opd=mλ or (m+1/2) λ where m=0,1,2…

Polarisation – no change



–       ‘Knowledge of Millikan’s experimental method for determining the charge on an electron’ – this was in ‘exemplification’ before but is now specifically required knowledge

–       ‘Comparison of gravitational, electrostatic, magnetic, and nuclear forces in terms of their relative strength and range’ – the words in bold are new


–       ‘Knowledge that, in an RC circuit, an uncharged capacitor can be considered to be fully

charged after a time approximately equal to 5τ.  Knowledge that, in an RC circuit, a fully charged capacitor can be considered to be fully discharged after a time approximately equal to 5τ.’ – is new

Electromagnetic radiation– no change


Knowledge and use of appropriate units, prefixes and scientific notation
Data analysis

–       ‘Absolute uncertainty should normally be rounded to one significant figure. In some instances, a second significant figure may be retained.’ – the words in bold are new.  It does not specify the instances in which a second figure may be retained.

–       ‘Knowledge that, when uncertainties in a single measurement are combined, an uncertainty can be ignored if it is less than one third of one of the other uncertainties in the measurement’ – is new

–       ‘Knowledge that, when uncertainties in measured values are combined, a fractional/percentage uncertainty in a measured value can be ignored if it is less than one third of the fractional/percentage uncertainty in another measured value’ – is new

–       The equation for the uncertainty in a value raised to a power is now given:

Evaluation and significance of experimental uncertainties

–       This short section is new

SHM Practicals

The AH today were working in 3 groups to research via practicals and notes about SHM. The task is given below. Well done to Morford and Hodgson who created the following from their practical, with very little assistance. Their results were so good I thought I’d share them.

Mr Morford wrote
“These graphs are from our recent experiment to determine the effect of damping on an oscillating mass. A mass was hung from a spring over an Alba Ranger ultrasound device. We then analysed our measurements using excel and graphed our results to find the decay due to damping.”

Morford & Hodgson (2019)
Check out the great phase lag and the obvious proof of SHM showing a is proportional to -ky
The period isn’t constant because the spring started moving with horizontal motion but the amplitude certainly deteriorated
I’ll need to check this….but it looks good!

This was the task for the class and my thanks to the IoP for their Practical Physics lessons and to the other places referenced for some great practical techniques. I will neaten this post later, but I promised Morford and Hodgson that I would post tonight!

Hopefully I can collate the rest of the groups information soon.

By the end of the lesson you should……

  • You to have the spring constant for two of the springs by two different methods.
  • A graph of d against t, v against t, and a against t
  • A value of the period of spring for various masses
  • Discovered the effect of amplitude on the period Found the effect of damping (so find out what that is)






Despite Covid-19 the intrepid AH students have been showing damping with a pendulum bob and tracker. The original movie has still to be analysed by our friends from Annan

This is Courault and Douglas with bob skimming the water and you can see some damping on the graph. Note the period remains constant but the amplitude, and hence energy is reduced. Well done Courault and Douglas, imortalised in your tracker movie!
This is Patterson and Pritchards attempt with bob fully immersed as it goes through its swing. You can see bob is far more damped! I think Pritchard was a little lazy with his identification of the edge of bob as that period is definitely changing! Compare this damping with the previous one. Well done to both of you!

Now if we can add Atwal, Burns, Carson and Morrin’s tracker we can have a full set for 2020 and you can look back with fondness at your time in AH, despite all the distancing.

Investigating a mass-on-spring oscillator


A mass suspended on a spring will oscillate after being displaced. The period of oscillation is affected by the amount of mass and the stiffness of the spring. This experiment allows the period, displacement, velocity and acceleration to be investigated by datalogging the output from a motion sensor. It is an example of simple harmonic motion.

Measurement of period 
Period and Amplitude Observe that the period appears to be independent of amplitude. 
Effect of mass 
A straight line is the usual result, showing that the period squared is proportional to the mass. 
Velocity and acceleration 
A plot of the resulting data shows a ‘velocity vs. time’ graph. Note that the new graph is also sinusoidal. However, compared with the ‘distance vs. time’ graph, there is a phase difference – the velocity is a maximum when the displacement is zero, and vice versa. 
A similar gradient calculation based on the ‘velocity vs. time’ graph yields an ‘acceleration vs. time’ graph. Comparing this with the original ‘distance vs. time’ graph shows a phase difference of 180°. This indicates that the acceleration is always opposite in direction to the displacement. Teaching notes

Aim: To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load and extension.

Aim: To find the effect of damping on an oscillating spring

Aim: To find the effect of mass on an oscillating spring

Aim: To use the formula for an oscillating spring to find m or k etc

December 2020


Here is a little document to start you on some revision. The answers are given at the end, but don’t cheat.

definitions RM&A pdf   definitions RM&A word

I’ll add some more on other topics later.

Thanks to H Stark for her 10 week Revision Plan, you’ve just enough time if you start NOW!


John Sharkey’s CfE AH Virtual Physics
John Sharkey’s Virtual CfE AH Physics-Magnetic Fields and Induction
John Sharkey’s Virtual CfE AH Physics-Capacitors
John Sharkey’s Virtual CfE AH Physics-Inductors
Far more than detail required but a great little video.
Far more than detail required but a great little video
John Sharkey’s Virtual CfE AH Physics- Unification of Electricity and Magnetism

PhysicsElectromagnetismAH_tcm4-726384 Questions on the electromagnetism topic

ah electromagnetism summary notes 2013 Robert Gordon’s College brilliant notes

ah electromagnetism problems 2013

AH (Electrical Phenomena)

Unit 3 – 1 Fields


These are great little notes by F Kastelein on Unit 3 Electromagnetism. A lovely summary

More video clips from John Sharkey’s Collections

Here is a great little video on Lenz’ Law called Michael’s Toys

March 2022

Basis for Cue Cards

Hi Folks! I had planned to finish these before the October hols! Sorry too much on. This is as far as I’ve got and I’ll update it a.s.a.p.
If you update it let me know. I’ll put the answers into a table of 2 columns so that if you fold down the middle they can be cue cards.

Learny statements RM&A

AH definitions more

AH definitions

Going through past paper questions here is a list of the SQA recommended perfect answers
TypeYrQ No.
Trad20014 ba (OR F) is directly proportional to -x
Usual now to use -y rather than -x
Trad20015 aii(Electrostatic potential at a point) is the work done per unit charge moveing the charge from infinity to the point
Trad200111 aelectric field
vibrates in all directions in unpolarised light
vibrates in one plane only in polaried light
Trad20023 civelocity required by a body to escape earth gravitational field by reaching infinity
Trad20025 aidiffraction pattern produced by electon beam
Trad200210 ciiwavelength has incerased therfore the source is moving away from the observer
Trad20063 aiForce exerted on 1 kg (of mass) placed in the field
Trad200611 c (Path length) in oil depends on angle of incidence or thickness ∴different colours are seen due to interference
Trad20098 bOne tesla is the magnetic induction of a magnetic field in which a conductor of length one metre, carrying a current of one ampere (perpendicular) to the field is acted on by a force of one newton.
Trad20099 aiDivision of amplitude is when some of the light reflects from the top of the air wedge and some is transmitted/refracted into the air. OR Some of the light is reflected from a surface of a new material/medium and some of the light is transmitted/refracted into the new material/medium.
Trad200910 aA stationary wave is caused by interference effects between the incident and reflected sound.
Trad200910 bThe antinodes of the pattern are areas of maximum displacement/amplitude/disturbance The nodes of the pattern are areas of minimum/zero displacement/amplitude/disturbance
Trad20104 aTotal angular momentum before (an event) = total angular momentum after (an event) in the absence of external torques
Trad20106 biiE-field is zero inside a hollow conductor. E-field has inverse square dependence outside the conductor.
Trad201011 aunpolarised light => Electric field vector oscillates or vibrates in all planes polarised light => Electric field vector oscillates or vibrates in one plane
Trad20143 aiThe (minimum) velocity/speed that a mass must have to escape the gravitational field (of a planet).
Trad20144 aiThe unbalanced force/ acceleration is proportional to the displacement of the object and act in the opposite direction.
Rev20144 aiiThe distance from the centre of a black hole at which not even light can escape. or The distance from the centre of a black hole to the event horizon.
Trad20145 diElectron orbits a nucleus / proton , Angular momentum quantised or Certain allowed orbits / discrete energy level
Rev20146 aiiPhotoelectric effect or Compton scattering Collision and transfer of energy
Rev20146 diElectron orbits a nucleus / proton (1) Angular momentum quantised (1) or Certain allowed orbits / discrete energy level
Rev20148 aThe unbalanced force/ acceleration is proportional to the displacement of the object and act in the opposite direction.
Trad201411c Wavelengths in the middle of the visible spectrum not reflected or destructively interfere. Red and blue reflected / combined to (form purple).
Trad201413 aii The brightness would gradually reduce from a maximum at 0 degrees to no intensity at 90 degrees. It would then gradually increase in intensity from 90 degrees to 180 where it would again be at a maximum
Rev20151 cThe speed of the mass will be less. Second mark for correct justification. eg: Flywheel has greater moment of inertia  Flywheel will be more difficult to start moving  Smaller acceleration of flywheel  More energy required to achieve same angular velocity.
Rev20152 aMassive objects curve spacetime Other objects follow a curved path through this (distorted) spacetime
Rev20152 cTime passes more slowly at lower altitudes (in a gravitational field).
Lower gravitational field strength at higher altitude.
Trad20153 biiiPotential is work done (per unit mass) moving from infinity to that point. or Infinity defined as zero potential. Work will be done by the field on the mass. or A negative amount of work will be done to move an object from infinity to any point. or WD by gravity in moving to that point or Force acts in opposite direction to r.
Rev20155 aiiiDifficult scale to read/information from diagram can only be read to 1 s.f.
Rev20156 aiForce acting on (acceleration of) object is directly proportional to and in the opposite direction to its displacement. (from equilibrium)
Rev20157 aiil reduced (or f increased) for X-rays or >E transferred
D x reduced for X-rays
since D x D p ³ h/4 p
D p increases
Rev20157 bsince DEDt³ h/4 p
Borrowing energy for a short period of time allows particles to escape
Rev20158 aiTwo sets of coherent waves are necessary (for an interference pattern) or (Interference patterns can be produced by) Division of wavefront.
Rev20159 aiForce acts on particle at right angles to the direction of its velocity/motion or a central force on particle.
Rev20159 b(Component of) velocity at right angles to field/ v sin θ, results in circular motion/central force. (Component of) velocity parallel to field/ v cosθ is constant/no unbalance force (in this direction).
Trad20159 biMagnetic fields/induction are equal in magnitude (½) and opposite in direction
Rev201510 aiForce exerted per (unit) charge is constant at any point in the field
Rev201510 aivAny suitable answer eg  Systematic uncertainty in measuring d or V  Alignment of metre stick  The flame has a finite thickness so cannot get exactly to the zero point.  Factors causing field to be non-uniform.  A p.d. across the resistor for all readings.  Poor calibration of instruments measuring V or d.
Rev201510 bDeflection is less. E is less. Force/acceleration is less
Rev201512 biiiRate of change of current/magnetic field is at its maximum
Trad20165 aiFrames of reference that are accelerating (with respect to an inertial frame)
Trad20165 aiiIt is impossible to tell the difference between the effects of gravity and acceleration.
Trad20168 aiiThe precise position of a particle/ system and its momentum cannot both be known at the same instant. OR If the uncertainty in the energy of the
particle is reduced, the minimum
uncertainty in the lifetime of the
particle will increase (or vice-versa).
Trad201610 aidisplacement is proportional to and in the opposite direction to the acceleration


AH Past Papers

Skills Tagging

If you wish to do your past paper questions in topic order then Mr C Davie from Glenrothes High School has completed the task for you and you can access it clicking on the link below.

Past Paper Questions for the National Qualification Advanced Higher Physics

YEARDigital Paper
2016-2024ah skills tag 2016-2024ah skills tag 2016-2024 pdfskills tagging
20242024 DQPQP 2024MI 2024Report 2024
20232023 DQPQP 2023
RS 2023
MI 2023Report 2023
20222022 DQPQP 2022
MI 2022
Report 2022
2021QP 2021MI 2021KeyMessage2021
Specimen 2019DQP GuideAH QP & MI AH QP & MI
20192019 DQPQP 2019MI 2019Report 2019
20182018 DQPQP 2018MI 2018Report 2018
20172017 DQPQP 2017MI 2017Report 2017
20162016 DQPQP 2016MI 2016Report 2016
Specimen &
Exemplar 2015
DQP Centre GuideExemplar
Exemplar AH
Specimen AH

Below are the Revised Advanced Higher Past Papers, the content is very very similar to the new National (CfE) Advanced Higher, although the marks would be different. These were the last past papers with half marks!

Revised AH Paper YEARMarking
Exam Feedback
Rev 20152015MI 2015Report 2015
Rev 20142014MI 2014Report 2014
Rev 20132013MI 2013Report 2013

These are the traditional Advanced Higher Past Papers Remember some of this material is no longer on the syllabus, and some is relevant to Higher.

AH 20152015MI 2015Report 2015
AH 20142014MI 2014Report 2014
AH 20132013MI 2013Report 2013
AH 2012
2012MI 2012Report 2012
AH 20112011MI 2011Report 2011
AH 20102010MI 2010Report 2010
AH 20092009MI 2009Report 2009
AH 20082008MI 2008Report 2008
AH 20072007MI 2007Report 2007
AH 20062006MI 2006Report 2006
AH 20052005MI 2005Report 2005
AH 20042004MI 2004Report 2004
AH 20032003MI 2003Report 2003
AH 20022002MI 2002Report 2002
AH 20012001MI 2001
20002000 MIs
MI 1999 CSYS
1998 MIs
CSYS 19971997
MI 1997 CSYS

Conditions of use

The past papers are copyright to SQA. They may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications only, on a non-commercial basis. If they are to be used for any other purpose, written permission must be obtained from SQA’s Marketing team on permissions@sqa.org.uk

This site is non commercial, and purely for helping the teaching of physics in Scotland.


Thanks to Mr Stuart Farmer and Mr Andy McPhee for the course reports- their filing systems are so much better than mine, but then that’s why I am doing this! Thanks guys!

